Solving a kata


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Solutions can be up voted by the community. There are two types of voting options: "Best Practices" and "Clever". You are only allowed to vote for one option per each solution.

Best Practices

Best practice solutions are meant to be those that you would expect to see in production code. These are not meant to be overly clever or code golfed (short) solutions - these are solutions that you would be happy to see in the real world. Imagine someone else wrote this code and you had to go in and fix or add to it. Do you want to see hard to read/comprehend solutions or do you want something you can understand?

Best practices should be a good combination of performance, readability and maintainability. They should enforce good coding standards like defensive coding (handling of edge cases).


This is the vote you are looking for if you see a solution that is code golfed or generally clever in some way. If a solution is both clever and performant, readable and maintainable, then "Best Practices" is the way to go. If it is so clever that you are impressed but too clever that you would want to have to deal with it when fixing someone else's code - then "Clever" should be your vote.